Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Read/Blog 6

1st part of reading

1. Soth’s new project “Broken Manual” describe’s the reason of the name “Broken Manuel from the fact that Soth can not escape the outside pressures of life and the project began with a book project that he had worked on with artist Lester B. Morrison. 

2. Lester B. Morrison is an artist who worked on a book project with Alec Soth and it was a manual on how to disappear. Morrison’s work is featured in the Soap Factory exhibition, A Theory of Values. 

3. Soth’s feelings about the process and finished “master piece” is that he does not care for the finished work but the idea of the process instead. He holds no interest in the master piece or the icon. 

4. When Soth describes about a photographer finding their own voice what he means is that everyone’s path is different and not everyone will journey on the same path. He gives an example about the difference between two saxophone players and the difference will be the voice of the two. 

5. In Soth’s words, photography is the most anti-Zen activity that contributes to stopping time, possessing things, and holding on to the things you possess. he also mentions how being possessive can be unhealthy. 

6. Ennui is an emotional term of dissatisfaction from a lack of excitement. 

7. Soth explains how photographs can not tell stories because their fragmentary moments of time and so you can’t really get an arc of a story. He explains that photography is not a true full story if you were to tell someone a story because their truly is not a beginning, middle, and end. The arc of the story is not truly the whole story being told. 

8. Soth’s thoughts on Robert Frank’s work and the American’s is that he did not grow to admire his work until later compared to other people who admired his work instantly. It was not a transformational thing for Soth as it was for everyone else. he also talks about how he is closer to Joel Sternfeld’s work and how is work is more admirable. 

2nd part of reading 

1. The Treasure Hunt, From Here to There, 3rd From Here to There Flicker assignment, From Here to There: Alec Soth’s America. Treasure Hunt was about photographing from a number of categories such as tall people, sleeping children, neighborhood bars and more. From Here to There he wanted participants to tell a short story following the steps of finding a stranger to photograph, ask the strangers to show you something, and then take a picture of that stranger with what they showed you. For his 3rd assignment gives a question to participants asking them “why are amateur photographers so damn good?”  The 4th assignment is revealing participants process in photography and to narrate the photographers encounters. 

2. Soth’s beliefs in these assignments are to explore other people’s photography and to enjoy other interests besides your own. It’s ideal to open your mind to great possibilities and possible changes.

 Assignement 1

This photograph of a child resting in a trampoline is very interesting. The glare of light casting down on her and the rainbow colored lighting from the sun just above her head as though you can see her dreams.

Assignment 2

The perspective in this photograph demonstrates a realistic view of a journey going across the viewpoint. I found this image interesting because it's as though the tress from both the left and right hand side are guiding you towards that trail.

Assignment 3

I found this photograph inspiring because it's as though the photographs were taken in the day and night time and put together. They complete each other side by side and the lighting is quite amazing. 

Assignment 4

The woman walking away from the camera holding two umbrellas, one in hand and the other opening up. I liked the small message under the photographing saying how this woman twas trying to avoid getting her picture taken. Her pink and burgundy outfit are the brightest color along with the blue building just ahead of her. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Reading/Blog 5

 1. Gary Winogrand is attempting to do more with his photography. In the beginning the magazine asked him questions about the pictures he took and why he took them. Winogrand just said because he can and he likes the space he see’s in the photographs. Winogrand also states that he has trouble including what he wants in the frame. He enjoys photography and thinks it is a fascinating medium to look into. He is attempting to learn more about photography and he wants to continue to search for a “game” to answer. 

 3. When Gary Winogrand states “problem” he means to take a photograph without it looking formal. Instead of solving a photographic problem, he intends to make one. He mentions again about the difficulty in a frame. Winogrand finds it fascinating to have photographic problems; that way he can go about solving them. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reading/Blog 4

  1. Stephen Shore believes art is made because art is needed to explore the world and the culture. Art is also made to explore the chosen medium and to explore one’s self. 
  2. Shore states that the great art is the product of an artist’s personal request.
  3. Shore believes ambition is not a problem and is necessary to be able to carve out the time needed to produce work on your own personal demands. Shore also states that if your work needs to evolve, then it may mean abandoning an approach that brought you recognition. 
  1. Preplanned images are thought of as less surprising and also the fact of the matter is that sometimes those are more important than clarity. 
  1. In advance to shooting he feels that it is way too easy and there is no real value behind it.

  1. Since the whole story did not make any sense there was nothing important about it so it made no sense to discuss it.
8. After reading the following passage, I felt a close connection to the artist’s words. It’s as though Shore is still trying to find himself in the world and has no answered all the questions of his life. He talks about growing and stumbling upon things in his life. What I got from this specific passage is that as a photographer myself I am still growing as well and my journey is not as nearly close to over. 

I found the three Andy Warhol photographs quite interesting. The first image with the young girl holding her toy bear looking at the camera with stunning blue eyes. She looks a bit troubled and somewhat distant. The second image with the bare-chested man looking directly at the camera was an interesting view as well. His hair is quite stunning with volume and falls perfectly on his shoulders. The final image of Andy Warhol himself was quite different. I have to admit the hair really brings out his character and at first I thought it was an older woman. The red bright lipstick is also very noticeable. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Stephen Shore: American Beauty

Thoughts about video:

1. When you discover new subject matter on your journey as a photographer but then get tired of your new subject matter, then what? Will you try to draw it out as possible or would you try to move on to something new to photograph?

Answer: Well if I do begin to start photographing a new discovery and get bored with it, then I will simply have to move on and photograph new things. The mind constantly wanders and imagines and the best part is that you can make those dreams and imaginations realistic. All you have to do it get up and go find what you want.

2. Why is photography considered a journey when it's simply just taking photographs of something interesting?

Answer: Photography is considered a journey because it's constant. Everyday is a new day and not everything in this world will stay they same as it was when you last started. It's like people; we are born, we live and then we die. Photography is a journey of not just finding something interesting to take pictures of but finding yourself in the photographs you take. Time plays an important role in photography and that will never change.

1. Shore himself does not want his own photography students cropping. He wants to set a challenge for himself and his students. For commercial work he explains how they always wants to crop work but when it's not commercial work he strategically stays away from cropping.

2. Different places to stand when taking a photograph can differ. The distances are important in taking a photograph and it's a personal decision as well. A person will ask how the picture was taken because of the distance of the subject matter looking bizarre in place like a car parked in the road.

3. When Shore uses the terms "fuzzy thinking" he means artificial or easy thinking. When commercial jobs talk about taking care of the post by cropping it themselves it's as though they never fully leave pictures natural or realistic. Everything always has to be altered to appeal to viewers but if you continue to do that it gets boring and looks unoriginal.


This photograph was not successful because of the subject matter. Everyone in the world knows what McDonalds is and when they order a meal they know what it looks like. So seeing a picture of a McDonalds meal is not really interesting. The names carved on the patio table where the foods sits is also common on todays food tables. 

This photograph is successful because of the isolated colors included. The flowers are closely matched to the flooring it's rested upon. I like how it brightens the wall that it's leaning against too. 

Another photograph of Shore's that is successful is this landscape photo. The horizon line running on a slope through the picture is astonishing. The bright blue sky with white fluffy clouds is relaxing as well as the green grass hills.