Friday, February 22, 2013

Reading/Blog 5

 1. Gary Winogrand is attempting to do more with his photography. In the beginning the magazine asked him questions about the pictures he took and why he took them. Winogrand just said because he can and he likes the space he see’s in the photographs. Winogrand also states that he has trouble including what he wants in the frame. He enjoys photography and thinks it is a fascinating medium to look into. He is attempting to learn more about photography and he wants to continue to search for a “game” to answer. 

 3. When Gary Winogrand states “problem” he means to take a photograph without it looking formal. Instead of solving a photographic problem, he intends to make one. He mentions again about the difficulty in a frame. Winogrand finds it fascinating to have photographic problems; that way he can go about solving them. 

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