Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Willy Ronis Photography

A man is walking across the ice with either a rake or a broom stick as though he is holding it for balance. Numerous people are in the background ice skating on the ice and a man in a black coat with a hat is just walking along and does not seem to be paying any mind to anyone. I found this interesting because of how the man is walking along the ice and holding the broom or rake for balance. 

In this photograph a woman is prepping herself in the mirror as a young woman holding the mirror upwards for her. The young woman holding the mirror is looking towards the photographer with a pleasant smile on her face. I also noticed looking a bit more closely at the photograph that young children's feet can be seen in the background. At first I thought they were sitting in a bedroom but after taking another glance I realized they are outside. 

A small female child is taking a walk on the dock to enter the boat on the right side. How the photograph looks, you can tell instantly that she is the main point of the photograph. I really like the reflections in the water and the cityscape in the background. 

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