Friday, November 30, 2012

Edouard Boubat

 The first thing I noticed in this photograph was the many foot prints in the deep snow and the small figure towards the right side of the picture playing in the snow. I really enjoy looking at snow-seasonsed photographs. I have always loved the season of winter and this is a great picture to show how wonderful and relaxing it is. 

 This specific image really got my attention because it reminds me of a story that I am working on in my free time called "AquaMeow". It is a story I made up that involves myself as the main character with cat-like abilities and my powers are music. And as soon as I came across this photograph, I had to post it here because of the cat with it's head propped up over the music sheets. It's also as though the cat wants you to sing for it and is the audience. 

This photograph has a great deal of surrealistic qualities. With a young figure kneeling under the tree showing such expression in their body movements as they look up at the tree. The tree dominates most of the photograph and that is quite interesting. The seasons could either be winter or fall and that is another interesting aspect. The person is dominated with either leaves or snow and that is quite interesting. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

William Albert Allard

 From Allard's series of Untouchables, I got a glimpse of what it would be like to work with National Geographic. The thought of going out to many places and exploring the world amazes me and the though to build new memories of where you went is also amazing. I found this image interesting because of how it was shot and the hustle and bustle going on. The world is constantly going and the image makes it look like its going at a faster pace as well. 

 This young girl shivering and a dog sitting behind her and a person (not sure if man or woman) carrying a large sack on their back that has a blur image going on. The environment looks poor and it gave me the sense of feeling sorry for the young child shivering and walking barefoot with torn clothing. You feel a sense of sadness for the child. 

From William's "Blue" collection I found this image entertaining. Not just the subject but also the bright pink colors. With the main subject being the man with his arms open wide, shows a great expression. The people surrounding him all seem to be enjoying themselves and having the boogie sign in the background shows that they are having a really good time. I like the thought of enjoying life and living to the fullest and I get that alot from this image. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Anton Corbijn

 The man in the foreground of this image captured my eyes because of how he is standing and the location he is standing in. He does not stand in the right or left and not really the center but just in the distant. It is as though he he is looking for himself and is in deep thought. The darkness below him is also very interesting and the brownish-yellow tint of hay also compels the image as well. 

 This man looks so relaxed with his electric guitar connected to the amp sitting on this small bedding. His position is quite relaxing and the wall light on the left-and side also shines light upon him and his hobby. I love music and I really enjoy this subject with his music. The drapery in the background also brings a nice touch with the texture details in the drapery. 

The expression on this man's face plays both mischievous and cunning. How his hands are places on the end of a table and how he looks at the viewer is very interesting. Smaller hands arise above his shoulders as though to show he has wings or is a mystical being coming out of his cave to come find you. A little bit of a thrill and suspense is portrayed well along with the darkened background. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Burt Glinn

The imagery of having a good time is greatly portrayed here. The man towards the right-hand side of the photograph with the star hat with an umbrella in one hand and a wine or beer bottle in the other. Relaxation and complete peace is seen here. Other people in the image are enjoying themselves as well staying afloat in the water. The composition is very original in its own way because of what is taking place. 

The image of the two women, one wearing a dark colored blouse and the other sitting beside her with the light colored blouse looking just like the portrait on the wall behind them. I felt a very close resemblance with the women in the canvas compared to the real women standing in the foreground. For some reason the image of the women balance together in the overall photograph. 

After reading African Art in Art History III, this image reminded me of two images. One called Tuban Mask and the other called 5 masks in Performance. Both of those images look similar to this image above. All men are portrayed in this image with short grass skirts and clay covered bodies. They all have sticks as weapons and are all in different sizes. What is more intriguing is the masks they wear to conceal their true identity. I feel each mask portrays that person's personality and I the diverse culture of numerous people having many different personalities.  

Monday, October 29, 2012

Olivio Barbieri

The invert effect in this photograph is appealing and quite interesting. The symmetrical balance in the photograph is also interesting as well as the inverted color textures presented. The solid bold red in the sky of the photograph gives it a more deeper cityscape meaning as well. 

The image of a small town portrayed here is interesting because I enjoy micro images and how small objects are instead of their natural large original side. This photograph portrays great micro imagery here and that's what I find very intriguing. In my personal digital work I want to portray more micro images just as Olivio Barbieri has here.  

The micro-sized vehicles in this photograph is interesting. It looks like childish figures on a play set for the younger audience. The way the cars and trucks are set up together on the play set is interesting as well. It is fun to view something like this every now and again and makes your childish mind want to start playing with cars and trucks again. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Franco Fantana

This abstract photograph caught my eye because of the texture in the sky and the yellow pasture. The yellow is so bright and really makes you look deeply in the image. The warm water colors of blue and violet mixed together are also quite wonderful.

The first thing I noticed about this photograph was the number 87 planted on this background that looks   as though it's snowing. It had a Christmas look because of the solid red and blue colors. The photograph also portrays another view of looking down below at a far away object as well. 

The clown-like figure looks intriguing because of the expression on his face and how he looks down. Another green figure next to him also looks interesting. The color choice and the different shades of green also portray a brighter meaning as well. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ansel Adams

 Every time I look at the photographs taken by Ansel Adams I get a sense of not just surrealism but also a sense of a journey taking place. The darkened mountains and the ghost-like clouds add that effect on the photograph. The subject of the moon also adds a nice effect in the darkened sky as well.  

 What I like about this specific photograph is how the water hits against the rocks on the shore and how there are mountains and one small tree on top of the rocks. I feel this photograph also plays a role in a journey-like aspect as well. I feel the photographs Adams takes is as though their on their way somewhere far beyond what I have ever seen before. 

The reflective elements in this image really display an amazing affect in the water and also above water.  The bridge in the middle of the water plays an important role as well. The scenery also has a great effect of detail as well. The way the trees are placed in the subject and also another mountain stands firm on the right hand side of the image. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Simon Norfolk

The man subjected to the right side of the photo makes it look more interesting then if he was centered. He holds many balloons of different colors in his one hand and next to him looks like an abandoned civilization. The exterior of that building looks very interesting as well. The dust-like clouds above brings out the image a little more as well. 

This photograph was one of my favorites of Norfolk's work. The tree looks so dreamlike; so surreal as though you can not simply just walk along somewhere and find it. The tree looks quite mysterious, seeing that it has no leaves on it except in one small area, and the background of the darker foliage and the orange tinted sky sets this photograph in a very interesting and appealing sight. 

What I found interesting about this image is how the building in the background has the left side collapsing and the sheep in the foreground seem to be running away with the blur of their bodies making it seem their running away. A mountain top can be seen just behind the building. I figured that the sheep in motion collides with the building falling below. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Nick Knight

 When I first viewed this image, i could not take my eyes off of it. The elegance and beauty of the woman opening her arms wide out with the dress in hand. Her head is bowed down which makes the image more interesting and appealing. The details of the dress really captures the whole image and the shadows on the woman's hair and her chest are also very interesting. 

I found this photograph very relaxing but yet restless as well. Her body is awkwardly leaning downwards on the chair she is sitting in with a cigarette in hand and the fumes floating above her. As as though the fumes of the cigarette resemble the position she is laying in. Her outfit is also quite beautiful and the background warm color lighting adds a nice touch as well.

I had a high interest in this photograph because of the woman's blue-colored dress and the see-through glass look as well. I found it quite interesting because it matches the woman's mood in a way and the glass background fits her. What I also found surprising about this photograph is how the woman looks like a lifeless doll and really blends in with the glass background. Her gold shoes also bring out the subject a little more as well. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Alex Majoli

Majoli's image of a tree captures the viewpoint in great perspective. After really looking at this tree, I started to feel a sense of surrealism which I have a great interest in when it comes to black and white photography. I also find the tree's shape of the branches and the hill the tree is mounted on very intriguing. It is as though the tree symbolizes hope and life. 

 When I first took a glance at this photograph, I thought it was the train's view as it's riding alongside the train tracks. The picture is a little bit blurry and it makes me think that the train is going at full speed on the train tracks. 

I found this image quite interesting because of the season that it was shot (winter). It gives off a sense of that "winter-feeling" in the picture. I like the square-fenced towards the left side of the image and I also like the trees in the background. They give off a quiet sensation in the air, especially the snow covered ground surrounding the whole image. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Willy Ronis Photography

A man is walking across the ice with either a rake or a broom stick as though he is holding it for balance. Numerous people are in the background ice skating on the ice and a man in a black coat with a hat is just walking along and does not seem to be paying any mind to anyone. I found this interesting because of how the man is walking along the ice and holding the broom or rake for balance. 

In this photograph a woman is prepping herself in the mirror as a young woman holding the mirror upwards for her. The young woman holding the mirror is looking towards the photographer with a pleasant smile on her face. I also noticed looking a bit more closely at the photograph that young children's feet can be seen in the background. At first I thought they were sitting in a bedroom but after taking another glance I realized they are outside. 

A small female child is taking a walk on the dock to enter the boat on the right side. How the photograph looks, you can tell instantly that she is the main point of the photograph. I really like the reflections in the water and the cityscape in the background. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sarah Moon Photography

This photograph is filled with an excessive amount of imagery which I found very interesting. To the far left of the photo is a large male figure with a cat shaped face. The expression on the cat-figure face seems to look unsatisfied or disapproved. Two women on the right side of the photo are facing the cat-faced male and one woman has her hand against the man's chest. I found the photo very peculiar in every way possible and thats what I found very interesting about it. 

I found this photograph very interesting for some reason. A man with a cane stands on the boardwalk watching a small male child with stripped socks running across from him. The man with the cane looks very suspicious as though he is watching the young boy's every move. The child looks 2-D and the man looks 3-D. The background of the photograph is also continually going off the page which I also find interesting. 
This photograph made me think of myself in an imaginative way, when I'm walking down a lonely street alone and I feel as though something or someone is following me. This photograph really speaks that here with the woman walking up the street and a small dog following behind her. These two figures are the only beings portrayed in this photograph which makes it more interesting. The shadows of the trees shine down below on the woman and the dog walking up the street which I find quite beautiful. 

Images from (Sarah Moon)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Walker Evans Photography

What I find interesting about this photograph is the woman's facial expressions taken in the photograph. She seems to look worried and serious at the same time and I can relate to this photograph a lot because at times I can have a serious worry-full look on my face. The expression lines in the middle of her forehead really tells the viewer the type of person she is.  
This photograph of a church describes me in a sense of religious beliefs. I am a Christian and I grew up in a Christian church so that is how I relate myself to this photograph. Also this church is quite small and not extremely large like a cathedral would be. I would rather be in a small church then a larger church because I feel more secure and more closer to God. 

This photograph does not completely relate to me, but what i find interesting about it is the woman with the ripped up face and the man beside her with a tear-like look coming down his eye. Her face looks frightened at the subject she is looking at. Not just that but her face also looks like she is bleeding down her face as though she just got shot or something. The ripped up poster like photograph really makes the image look very interesting if it was in comparison to a poster that was not touched. 

(All images downloaded from Walker Evans- American; 1903-1975